Byson Trading & Byson Clothing are registered Small Medium Enterprises under Cap 388 of the companies' laws act of Zambia.
Established in 2021, Byson Trading operates under four pillars of business, namely; Farming, Branding & Printing services, Consultancy and Art & Entertainment. Created to build a reputation of Dependability, Efficiency & Integrity through performance and commitment to service delivery. With a goal to deliver quality service at a cost effective price to clients. While prompting sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all, with a vision to become a household name in Zambia and Globally.
Established in 2016, Byson Clothing is predominately a clothing and retail company. Created by three childhood friends (Chesney, Darren & Naphtali), Byson Clothing was designed to be an affordable clothing label for all ages. The logo is inspired form the bison animal, and is meant to symbolize strength. We work effortlessly with designers to bring alive our dreams for; original concepts, limited editions & fashionable clothing designs.